(AUSTIN, TX) - Gartner is out with its latest Gartner Top Security Trends for 2024. At Pellonium, we’re pleased to directly support some of these trends with our approach to risk-based security posture management.  

Cybersecurity Outcome-Driven Metrics: Bridging Boardroom Communication Gap

Outcome-driven Metrics (ODMs) are the foundation of the Pellonium Risk Intelligence platform. From Gartner, “ODMs are central to creating a defensible cybersecurity investment strategy.” However, we believe ODMs go beyond budget defense. They are central to executing a risk-based security program – one that is more effectively aligned to the organization. This means treating and managing cyber risk as a key business risk – having comprehensive awareness of the risk environment to inform a set of actions that maximize impact to buying down as much exposure as possible.  This transition evolves the security team’s points of emphasis to relatable language the c-suite and boards can understand.  There is only one outcome that matters – protecting the organization’s strategic objectives. Security teams are increasingly on the hook to demonstrate metrics that align performance, productivity, and investments to achieving that objective.

Continuous Threat Exposure Management Programs Gain Momentum

We couldn’t agree more. While CTEM highlights a useful methodology, we believe the key takeaways include its emphasis on (1) giving the threat actor a logical vote in the risk calculus and (2) determining how effective the security posture is in managing overall risk exposure.  Pellonium’s risk-based approach emphasizes continuous awareness of the risk environment by organizing likelihood and impact around what a threat actor can actually achieve in our customer’s environment.  We also evaluate the performance of the technology environment to maximize efficacy and ensure the right operational decisions are made regarding existing and future investments in the stack.

We believe risk-based security posture management is fundamental to protecting and advancing organizational objectives. Our Risk Intelligence Platform provides security teams with essential capabilities to:

  • Become Risk Aware: Our OBSERVE module provides comprehensive visibility into/observability of the cyber risk environment.
  • Reduce Risk Exposure: Our OPTIMIZE module enables security teams to move from risk awareness to informed operational actions that proactively strengthen the security posture.
  • Align to the Business by treating cyber risk in the same way other enterprise risks are managed by taking an impact-based methodology that is linked to the organization’s strategic objectives.
  • Ensure Obligations are met: Our COMPLY module underscores the role of standards, frameworks, internal oversight/controls, and regulatory obligations have in risk-based security posture management.

To learn more about how Pellonium can help you take advantage of these trends and more, contact us today.

About Pellonium: Pellonium is a Risk Intelligence platform that delivers a comprehensive understanding of cyber risk anchored in business impact to CISOs and those to whom they are accountable. Our SaaS data analytics solution ensures that the organization understands the value of their existing and planned cyber risk investments, and provides a foundation to inform both strategic and operational cyber decisions. More information can be found at https://www.pellonium.com.